Books with tag Control

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213629965Norbert BeckerMosquitoes: Identification, Ecology and Control (Fascinating Life Sciences) Ed 32024rar11/2/2024 4:09:20 AMstirkout
213628117Alexandre LoktionovCompulsion and Control in Ancient Egypt: Proceedings of the Third Lady Wallis Budge Egyptology Symposium2024pdf11/1/2024 12:16:46 PMstirkout
2136228101Ion Boldea, Lucian TuteleaReluctance Electric Machines: Design and Control ,1st Edition2018pdf11/1/2024 6:24:30 AMeternal
2136123101Yoram BaramMotion Control : Multi-Faceted Movement in Space, Time and Neurological Impairment2023pdf10/31/2024 3:33:09 AMeternal
213604297Ahmad Taher AzarMobile Robot: Motion Control and Path Planning (Studies in Computational Intelligence, 1090) 2023rd Edition2023pdf10/30/2024 7:26:14 AMeternal
2136041100Weijia YaoGuiding Vector Fields for Robot Motion Control (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, 154) 2023rd Edition2023pdf10/30/2024 7:16:21 AMeternal
213587725Louis G. DePaolaInfection Control in the Dental Office in the Era of COVID-192024pdf10/30/2024 3:50:08 AMalex21s
2135804119Biswanath SamantaIntroduction to Digital Control: An Integrated Approach2024pdf10/28/2024 9:49:18 PMgestalt
213577547Domenico MarinoEthics and Artificial Intelligence: Towards a Moral Technology (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 519)2024pdf10/28/2024 9:06:00 PMrisotor
213578158Bosen LianIntegral and Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Optimal Control Systems and Games (Advances in Industrial Control)2024pdf10/28/2024 9:05:14 PMrisotor

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