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Law Books

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213241713Professor Richard Collins

The Colorado State Constitution (Oxford Commentaries on the State Constitutions of the United States)

2024epub9/19/2024 11:04:28 AMmaveriks
213229144Wojciech Zaluski

Game Theory in Jurisprudence Ed 2

2024rar9/18/2024 5:16:58 AMstirkout
213204252A.C. Pritchard

A History of Securities Law in the Supreme Court

2024pdf9/12/2024 12:57:28 AMstirkout
213096689Tom Ruys

The Cambridge Handbook of Immunities and International Law

2024pdf8/29/2024 5:08:01 PMtopron
2130967147Clay Calvert

Mass Media Law Ed 22

2024pdf8/29/2024 5:07:40 PMtopron
213053199Erwin Chemerinsky

Constitutional Law (Aspen Casebook Series) Ed 7

2024pdf8/22/2024 6:45:22 AMtopron
213034875Anne Wagner

Handbook on Cyber Hate: The Modern Cyber Evil (Law and Visual Jurisprudence, 13)

2024pdf8/19/2024 3:04:29 PMgestalt
213023560Geoffrey Samuel

Rethinking Historical Jurisprudence (Rethinking Law series)

2024pdf8/18/2024 9:40:21 AMgestalt
212908777Richard Devlin

Disciplining Judges: Contemporary Challenges and Controversies

2024pdf8/4/2024 2:29:31 AMmaveriks
2128816176Woodrow Barfield

The Cambridge Handbook of the Law of Algorithms (Cambridge Law Handbooks)

2024azw38/1/2024 9:20:25 AMrisotor
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