Books with tag leone

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210860950Tom ZingarelliThe Voyage of the Slave Ship Hare A Journey into Captivity from Sierra Leone to South Carolina [Audiobook]2015M4B@64 kbps3/11/2024 4:12:20 AMcomet
208234176Kevin J.A. ThomasContract Workers, Risk, and the War in Iraq: Sierra Leonean Labor Migrants at US Military Bases (Human Dimensions in Foreign Policy, Military Studies, and Security Studies) (Volume 5)2024pdf10/8/2023 2:51:17 AMrisotor
207607681Josephine Beoku-BettsWar, Women and Post-Conflict Empowerment: Lessons from Sierra Leone (Politics and Development in Contemporary Africa)2021pdf9/1/2023 3:23:50 PMmaveriks
201718582John Idriss LahaiThe Ebola Pandemic in Sierra Leone: Representations, Actors, Interventions and the Path to Recovery2017pdf7/24/2022 6:03:45 AMtvladb77
2016250111Sunil ThapaPeople's War and Aftermath Nepal: The Role of Truthand Reconcialation Commission (With Case Studies of Liberia, Sierra Leone and South Africa)2021epub7/20/2022 5:07:34 AMgestalt
201038667Jeremiah PrattThe History of York Village in Sierra Leone2021epub6/16/2022 12:23:17 PMalex21s
1993300174Michelle GordonExtreme Violence and the British Way : Colonial Warfare in Perak, Sierra Leone and Sudan (Empire s Other Histories)2021pdf3/25/2022 10:58:10 PMrisotor
1951994133David WinterTrauma, Survival and Resilience in War Zones: The psychological impact of war in Sierra Leone and beyond (Explorations in Mental Health)2021pdf11/1/2021 6:03:33 AMeternal
1937982124Peter AlbrechtHybridization, Intervention and Authority: Security Beyond Conflict in Sierra Leone (Routledge Private Security Studies)2021pdf8/31/2021 10:32:42 PMgestalt
193778860John Idriss LahaiHuman Rights in Sierra Leone, 1787-2016: The Long Struggle from the Transatlantic Slave Trade to the Present (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Africa)2021pdf8/31/2021 5:12:48 AMtopron

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