Books with tag latino

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21328053Antonio G. Guajardo Jr.The Milwaukee Police and Latino Community Relations, 1964 2000: The Role of Latino Officers2024pdf9/23/2024 5:01:37 AMmaveriks
212838042Jason CortesMacho Ethics: Masculinity and Self-Representation in Latino-Caribbean Narrative (Bucknell Studies in Latin American Literature and Theory)2024epub7/29/2024 2:56:46 AMstirkout
212366549Mike Madrid (Author), Lee Osorio (Narrator), Simon & Schuster Audio (Publisher)The Latino Century: How America's Largest Minority Is Transforming Democracy [Audiobook]2024M4B@64 kbps6/19/2024 7:50:00 AMcomet
212353230Kip T LlezLatinos/As and Mathematics Education: Research on Learning and Teaching in Classrooms and Communities (Hc) (Research in Educational Diversity and Excellence)2024pdf6/18/2024 12:46:56 PMrisotor
211984443Sarah Portnoy Sarah PortnoyFood, Health, and Culture in Latino Los Angeles (Rowman & Littlefield Studies in Food and Gastronomy)2024epub5/16/2024 6:10:18 PMgestalt
211869524Kathleen MyersContemporary Colonialities in Mexico and Beyond (Latinoamericana)2024pdf5/7/2024 2:55:21 AMstirkout
211795055Javier AuyeroPortraits of Persistence: Inequality and Hope in Latin America (Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long in Latin American and Latino Art and Culture)2024pdf4/29/2024 12:45:22 PMstirkout
211789066John Paul SanchezLatino, Hispanic, or of Spanish Origin+ Identified Student Leaders in Medicine: Recognizing More Than 50 years of Presence, Activism, and Leadership (Sustainable Development Goals Series)2024pdf4/29/2024 12:58:47 AMtopron
211210699Delia CosentinoResurrecting Tenochtitlan: Imagining the Aztec Capital in Modern Mexico City (Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long Series in Latin American and Latino Art and Culture)2024pdf3/27/2024 6:57:04 PMalex21s
210817543Marie AranaLatinoLand A Portrait of America's Largest and Least Understood Minority [Audiobook]2024M4B@64 kbps3/8/2024 3:59:37 PMcomet

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