Books with tag improve

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214079543Ryan DoanEssential Guide to LLMOps: Implementing effective strategies for Large Language Models in deployment and continuous improvement2024pdf12/2/2024 7:42:22 AMrubybook
214013030Kevin HollinsMemory and Accelerated Learning: How to Use Speed Reading and Advanced Learning Strategies for Memory Improvement and a More Productive Time2024epub11/29/2024 3:16:15 AMrisotor
213945222Adam GibsonAgile Workforce Planning: How to Align People with Organizational Strategy for Improved Performance2024azw311/27/2024 2:51:24 AMmaveriks
213935719Sandra A. MoultonManaging Hypertension: Tools to Improve Health and Prevent Complications (McFarland Health Topics)2024epub11/27/2024 1:58:14 AMmaveriks
213889064Emotional PathwayHow to Improve Your Social Skills: The Perfect Guide to Learn How to Improve Your Conversation for Effective Speaking, Manage Shyness, Stress Tolerance and Increase Your Self-Esteem2024azw311/25/2024 10:43:50 AMmaveriks
213884317J. SaarinenChanges in Innovation: Towards an Improved Understanding of Economic Renewal2024epub11/25/2024 7:13:53 AMmaveriks
213798826Keston H. FulcherAssessment 101 in Higher Education: The Fundamentals and How to Apply Them (Assessment and Improvement in Higher Education)2024epub11/19/2024 12:52:11 AMmaveriks
2137759111Christoffer Noring, Anjali Jain, Marina Fernandez, Ayse Mutlu, Ajit JaokarAI-Assisted Programming for Web and Machine Learning: Improve your development workflow with ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot2024epub11/17/2024 2:46:55 AMeternal
213769417Rense NieuwenhuisThe Triple Bind of Single-Parent Families: Resources, Employment and Policies to Improve Wellbeing2024pdf11/16/2024 12:39:42 PMstirkout
2023915177Dean PohlmanYoga Fitness for Men: Build Strength, Improve Performance, and Increase Flexibility2018pdf11/15/2024 3:11:16 AMalex21s

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