Books with tag Years

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214304610U.S. Army Command and General Staff CollegeSavages in a Civilized War: The Native Americans as French Allies in the Seven Years War, 1754-17632024epub12/11/2024 11:08:05 PMmaveriks
214286019Roger AriewRen Descartes: The Complete Correspondence in English Translation, Volume I: From the Early Years to the Discourse on Method, 1619-16382024pdf12/11/2024 2:00:07 AMtopron
214277545Trevor BurnardThe Oxford Handbook of the Seven Years' War (Oxford Handbooks)2024pdf12/10/2024 9:04:50 PMalex21s
21427699Karim EttourkiMoroccan Migration in Belgium: More than 50 Years of Settlement (CeMIS Migration and Intercultural Studies, 1)2024pdf12/10/2024 8:12:51 PMalex21s
214241017Serge BersteinThe Pompidou years, 1969-19742000PDF12/8/2024 9:27:45 PMcomet
214213815Merlin Becskey40 Years in the Desert: Orthopraxy instead of orthodoxy in an anarchist kibbutz. Foreword by James Horrox (Ethnologie / Anthropology)2024pdf12/7/2024 1:22:51 PMrisotor
214129511Bandi, Heinz Insu FenklThe Red Years: Forbidden Poems from Inside North KoreaSep 15, 2019True EPUB12/4/2024 12:26:34 PMcomet
214103618Stephen RebelloA City Full of Hawks: On the Waterfront Seventy Years Later Still the Great American Contender2024rar12/3/2024 11:49:01 PMstirkout
214098831Baron RosenRevival : Forty Years of Diplomacy: Volume II2019EPUB12/3/2024 11:13:22 AMcomet
214086913Jonathan B. JarvisNational Parks Forever: Fifty Years of Fighting and a Case for Independence2024pdf12/3/2024 4:35:13 AMtopron

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