Books with tag Studies.

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213709935Richard Van LeeuwenHajj Travelogues: Texts and Contexts from the 12th Century Until 1950 (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 the Near and Middle East, 180)2024pdf11/8/2024 10:25:30 AMtopron
213472942Patrick Thaddeus JacksonFacts and Explanations in International Studies...and beyond: ...and beyond2024rar10/14/2024 3:50:45 PMtopron
2130906104Niels WildeIsotopography (Kierkegaard Studies. Monograph)2024rar8/28/2024 11:43:00 PMstirkout
2100350392Mark WeedenHittite Landscape and Geography, (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 the Near and Middle East, 121)2024pdf1/26/2024 3:21:57 AMtopron
2100351103Adela FabregasThe Nasrid Kingdom of Granada between East and West (Thirteenth to Fifteenth Centuries) (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 the Near and Middle East, 148)2024pdf1/26/2024 3:21:22 AMtopron
209923973Christian LangeSufi Cosmology (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 the Near and Middle East / Handbook of Sufi Studies, 154/2)2024pdf1/23/2024 2:40:20 AMrisotor
2098933408Sergio BaldiDictionary of Arabic Loanwords in the Languages of Central and East Africa (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 the Near and Middle East, 145) (English and Arabic Edition)2024pdf1/22/2024 3:39:08 AMstirkout
2097096129Walter FeldmanMusic of the Ottoman Court: Makam, Composition and the Early Ottoman Instrumental Repertoire (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 the Near and Middle East, 177)2024pdf1/15/2024 1:35:09 AMtopron
2086671733Oskar Von HinuberBrill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism. Volume One: Literature and Languages (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 2 South Asia / Brill's)2024pdf11/25/2023 1:58:21 AMstirkout
2072915118Michael P. StreckOld Babylonian Grammar (1) (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 Ancient Near East, 168)2021pdf8/17/2023 6:00:50 AMrisotor

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