Books with tag Studies

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213665815Gyorgy LengyelStudies on the Palaeolithic of Western Eurasia: Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress (4-9 June 2018, Paris, France) Session XVII-4, Session ... of the XVIII Uispp World Congress, 14)2024pdf11/5/2024 4:54:42 PMtopron
21366353Lanita JacobsTo Be Real: Truth and Racial Authenticity in African American Standup Comedy (OXFORD STUDIES IN LANGUAGE RACE SERIES)2024pdf11/5/2024 4:40:20 PMtopron
213661919Daniel M. HerskowitzHans Jonas (Routledge Jewish Studies Series)2024epub11/5/2024 4:38:54 AMmaveriks
213660421William PawlettMyth, Society and Profanation (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)2024epub11/5/2024 4:31:32 AMmaveriks
213659515Adam AndreottaNew Perspectives on Transparency and Self-Knowledge (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy)2024epub11/5/2024 4:26:37 AMmaveriks
213659419Inocent MoyoThe Paradox of Planetary Human Entanglements (Routledge Studies in Nationalism and Ethnicity)2024epub11/5/2024 4:25:24 AMmaveriks
213658716Peter NolanAmerica s Cold War against China (Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy)2024epub11/5/2024 4:21:07 AMmaveriks
21365799Christoph BaumgartnerReligion in Liberal Democracy as a Form of Life: Free and Equal (Routledge Studies in Religion and Politics)2024epub11/5/2024 4:16:12 AMmaveriks
213655011David MasonInvestigating Turkey: Detective Fiction and Turkish Nationalism, 1928 1945 (Ottoman and Turkish Studies)2024pdf11/5/2024 3:59:05 AMmaveriks
21365456Hanan MousaPalestinian Memory and Identity in Modern Children s Literature (Routledge Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature)2024pdf11/5/2024 3:55:28 AMmaveriks

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