Books with tag State

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213442865Nishimoto TakehikoMASTERING EMBEDDED SYSTEMS WITH UML STATE MACHINES: Designing Embedded Systems Building Robust Embedded Systems Using UML2024epub10/11/2024 7:51:26 PMrubybook
213433564Sanjay RazdanUrinary Continence and Sexual Function After Robotic Prostatectomy, Radiation, and Novel Therapies2024pdf10/10/2024 9:35:52 PMalex21s
213411048Ph.D. Grossman, Sheila C.Porth's Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States(Ninth Edition) Ed 92024pdf10/8/2024 8:26:29 PMalex21s
213405971Helena P SchraderThe Powerful Women of Outremer: Forgotten Heroines of the Crusader States2024epub10/8/2024 1:23:59 AMstirkout
213378635Arthur Centeno MDProstate Cancer: A Patient s Guide to Treatment2024pdf10/5/2024 1:29:50 AMmaveriks
213372841Richard E. EckerKorean Battle Chronology: Unit-by-Unit United States Casualty Figures And Medal Of Honor Citations2024pdf10/5/2024 12:47:46 AMmaveriks
2133705109Malcolm BarberThe Crusader States2024azw310/5/2024 12:32:34 AMmaveriks
213369270Jay P. SpenserBellanca C.F.: The Emergence of the Cabin Monoplane in the United State1982pdf10/4/2024 4:34:58 PMMaterialistic
213349214Mary BonnetSelling Sunshine: Surviving Teenage Motherhood, Thriving in Luxury Real Estate, and Finally Finding My Voice2024epub10/3/2024 1:05:12 AMtopron
2133367149Christian KohlertThe Phoenix Hypothesis Is the Current World Situation a Gigantic Distraction? : A holistic Conspiracy Theory about the current state of crisis, ... civilizations, and cataclysmic cycles.2024pdf9/30/2024 3:21:17 PMtopron

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