Books with tag State

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214098413Shahar Hameiri, Lee Jones, John HeathershawRising Powers and State Transformation2024EPUB12/3/2024 11:07:10 AMcomet
21409258D. MalachukPerfection, the State, and Victorian LiberalismJuly 28, 2005PDF12/3/2024 9:24:10 AMcomet
21408804Peter MasonClyde Walcott: Statesman of West Indies cricket (Global Icons)2024pdf12/3/2024 4:42:55 AMtopron
21408441Jasmin DaamTourism and the Emergence of Nation-States in the Arab Eastern Mediterranean, 1920s-1930s (Critical, Connected Histories)2024pdf12/3/2024 1:10:01 AMtopron
214079042Michael Junger50 Years of Integer Programming 1958-2008: From the Early Years to the State-of-the-Art2010pdf12/2/2024 6:33:38 AMeternal
214072623Justin M. JacobsXinjiang and the Modern Chinese State (Studies on Ethnic Groups in China)2024epub12/1/2024 4:34:50 PMtopron
214047624Licheng WangData-Rate-Constrained State Estimation and Control of Complex Networked Systems2024rar12/1/2024 4:05:48 AMtopron
214067811Guido BonsaverCulture, Censorship and the State in Twentieth-century Italy (Legenda)2024rar11/30/2024 11:22:22 PMgestalt
214061511Jan Paul HeisigLate-career Risks in Changing Welfare States: Comparing Germany and the United States since the 1980s2024pdf11/30/2024 7:20:35 AMmaveriks
214040921Daniel S. MoakFrom the New Deal to the War on Schools: Race, Inequality, and the Rise of the Punitive Education State (Justice, Power, and Politics)2024rar11/29/2024 11:45:59 AMtopron

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