Books with tag Social

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214075925Dimitri MortelmansDoing Qualitative Data Analysis with NVivo (Springer Texts in Social Sciences)2024pdf12/2/2024 12:36:07 AMstirkout
214075210Jacob A. SadavoyA Scientific Framework for Compassion and Social Justice2024rar12/2/2024 12:30:36 AMstirkout
214073510Susan BainesImplementing Innovative Social Investment: Strategic Lessons from Europe2024rar12/1/2024 4:42:07 PMtopron
214072516Mona Tokarek LaFosseHonouring Age: The Social Dynamics of Age Structure in 1 Timothy (Studies in Christianity and Judaism Series)2024rar12/1/2024 4:34:10 PMtopron
214067514Lotika SinghaWork, Labour and Cleaning: The Social Contexts of Outsourcing Housework (Gender and Sociology)2024rar11/30/2024 11:20:33 PMgestalt
214067310Heidi NicolaisenDualisation of Part-Time Work: The Development of Labour Market Insiders and Outsiders (Research in Comparative and Global Social Policy)2024rar11/30/2024 11:19:21 PMgestalt
213992322Steve TombsSocial Protection after the Crisis: Regulation Without Enforcement2015PDF11/30/2024 10:04:21 PMcomet
214064826Joseph A. ScimeccaThe Not So Outrageous Idea of a Christian Sociology (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought)2024epub11/30/2024 7:46:08 AMmaveriks
214063313Ananta Kumar GiriSocial Healing2024epub11/30/2024 7:35:08 AMmaveriks
214062714James FoleyContesting Cosmopolitan Europe: Euroscepticism, Crisis and Borders (Protest and Social Movements)2024pdf11/30/2024 7:30:17 AMmaveriks

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