Books with tag Rural-Urban

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203531666no autorThe Rural-Urban Nexus in India's Economic Transformation (Routledge New Horizons in South Asian Studies)2021pdf11/18/2022 10:56:02 PMeternal
1942347399Sunil NautiyalField Margin Vegetation and Socio-Ecological Environment: Structural, Functional and Spatio-temporal Dynamics in Rural-urban Interface of Bengaluru2021pdf9/23/2021 12:26:30 PMtvladb77
1942294368Ellen HoffmannThe Rural-Urban Interface: An Interdisciplinary Research Approach to Urbanisation Processes Around the Indian Megacity Bengaluru (The Urban Book Series)2021rar9/23/2021 7:22:18 AMmaveriks
185698062Topher L. McDougalThe Political Economy of Rural-Urban Conflict: Predation, Production, and Peripheries2017PDF12/8/2020 3:14:07 AMrisotor
170630471Nora DudwickFrom Farm to Firm: Rural-Urban Transition in Developing Countries (Directions in Development)2011PDF3/4/2020 8:37:07 AMstirkout
160482790Kate MurphyFears and Fantasies: Modernity, Gender and the Rural-urban Divide2018PDF9/10/2019 2:58:18 AMcomet
155704279Janet McIntyre-Mills, Norma R. A. Romm, Yvonne Corcoran-NantesDemocracy and Governance for Resourcing the Commons: Theory and Practice on Rural-Urban Balance2019-08-03pdf6/13/2019 7:52:08 AMtopron
155601784Amy Y. C. Liu, Xin MengRural-Urban Migration in Vietnam2019-07-07pdf6/11/2019 12:41:11 AMgestalt
153696043ral-urban dynamics: livelihoods, mobility and markets in African and Asian frontiers By Jytte AgergaRural-urban dynamics: livelihoods, mobility and markets in African and Asian frontiers2019PDF5/7/2019 1:08:36 PMmaveriks
142811677Kenny LynchRural-Urban Interaction in the Developing World2013PDF11/14/2018 5:24:31 AMGustavi

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