Books with tag Responsive

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213709223Sharroky HollieCulturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Learning Classroom Practices for Student Success, Grades K-12 (2nd Edition) Ed 22024epub11/9/2024 3:10:12 AMtopron
213590110Margaret M. ThombsUsing WebQuests in the Social Studies Classroom: A Culturally Responsive Approach2024epub10/30/2024 1:17:18 AMrisotor
2126804136Sudheer Kumar Reddy Gowrigari, Nakul PandeyResponsive Web Development: Web and mobile development with HTML5, CSS3, and performance guide2024pdf7/17/2024 8:11:51 PMrubybook
212611276Panos MatsinopoulosPractical Bootstrap: Learn to Develop Responsively with One of the Most Popular CSS Frameworks2024rar7/13/2024 6:14:16 AMeternal
212375460Maria K. E. LahmanAn Introduction to Qualitative Research: Becoming Culturally Responsive2024rar6/19/2024 7:54:57 PMalex21s
212245253Geneva GayCulturally Responsive Teaching: Theory, Research, and Practice (Multicultural Education Series) Ed 32024rar6/9/2024 1:31:30 AMstirkout
2121541175Doerte WeigTensional Responsiveness: Ecosomatic Aliveness and Sensitivity with Human and More-than (Culture and Social Practice)2024rar6/1/2024 9:42:32 AMstirkout
211596649Michael BarberResilience and Responsiveness: Alfred s Schutz s Finite Provinces of Meaning (Contributions to Phenomenology, 129)2024rar4/12/2024 4:14:36 PMalex21s
211422530 Ultimate Freecodecamp Responsive Web Design Guide 2024 VIDEO4/3/2024 1:30:59 PMoblivion
211280350Kelly M. MackCulturally Responsive Strategies for Reforming STEM Higher Education: Turning the TIDES on Inequity2024epub3/31/2024 5:48:43 AMmaveriks

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