Books with tag Practices

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21345446Stuart HallRepresentation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices (Culture, Media and Identities series) Ed 22024pdf10/13/2024 6:45:35 AMstirkout
213403795Graham P. BunnGood Clinical Practices in Pharmaceuticals (ISSN)2024pdf10/7/2024 5:29:34 PMrubybook
213382336Blaine J. FowersVirtue And Psychology: Pursuing Excellence In Ordinary Practices2024pdf10/5/2024 2:20:44 AMstirkout
2133683177Robert MartinFunctional Design: Principles, Patterns, and Practices,1st Edition2023pdf,epub10/4/2024 6:56:51 AMeternal
2133557119Taylor SmithSupervised Machine Learning with Python: Develop rich Python coding practices while exploring supervised machine learning2019pdf10/3/2024 3:23:53 PMeternal
213342942Lourdes Cardozo-gaibissoHandbook of Research on Advancing Language Equity Practices With Immigrant Communities (Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design)2024pdf10/1/2024 7:11:10 PMstirkout
2133401153Chantal Boss&eacuteMicrosoft PowerPoint Best Practices, Tips, and Techniques: An indispensable guide to mastering PowerPoint's advanced tools to create engaging presentations2023pdf10/1/2024 6:35:01 AMeternal
213335423Thomas G Plante PhD AbppSpiritual Practices in Psychotherapy2024pdf9/30/2024 3:11:21 PMtopron
2133145139Bin LiEmbedded Artificial Intelligence: Principles, Platforms and Practices2024pdf9/25/2024 10:32:40 PMalex21s
213315070Daniela DamianEquity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Software Engineering: Best Practices and Insights2024pdf9/25/2024 10:32:20 PMalex21s

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