Books with tag Practice

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21346898Randi B. SofmanMORE Best Practices for Middle School Classrooms: What Award-Winning Teachers Do2024epub10/14/2024 9:52:53 AMmaveriks
21346847Daniel L. DukeDifferentiating School Leadership: Facing the Challenges of Practice2024epub10/14/2024 9:52:29 AMmaveriks
213464417Steve BurghardtMacro Practice in Social Work for the 21st Century: Bridging the Macro-Micro Divide Ed 22024epub10/14/2024 8:24:37 AMmaveriks
21346309Patricia GoodsonTheory in Health Promotion Research and Practice: Thinking Outside the Box: Thinking Outside the Box2024pdf10/14/2024 8:16:17 AMmaveriks
21346283Simon BorgTeacher Cognition and Language Education: Research and Practice (Bloomsbury Classics in Linguistics)2024pdf10/14/2024 8:15:06 AMmaveriks
213459919Sara KnightForest School in Practice: For All Ages2024epub10/14/2024 2:50:06 AMstirkout
213457420Klavdia Smola(Counter-)Archive: Memorial Practices of the Soviet Underground (Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies)2024epub10/13/2024 6:57:00 PMgestalt
213456917Karin J. HessA Local Assessment Toolkit to Promote Deeper Learning: Transforming Research Into Practice2024rar10/13/2024 6:55:04 PMgestalt
213456516Yoonmee JooCollins-Bride & Saxe's Clinical Guidelines for Advanced Practice Nursing Ed 42024pdf10/13/2024 6:53:31 PMgestalt
213456034Peter JohansenReconceptualizing the Archaeology of Southern India: Beyond Periodization and Toward a Politics of Practice2024rar10/13/2024 6:51:32 PMgestalt

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