Books with tag Portuguese

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213271414Debby KorenResponsa in a Historical Context: A View of Post-Expulsion Spanish-Portuguese Jewish Communities through Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Responsa (Studies in Orthodox Judaism)2024pdf9/22/2024 12:24:02 PMrisotor
1994474511no autorPortuguese Recipe Collection: Easy-to-Follow Selection of Tasty Portuguese Recipes2021epub9/10/2024 9:39:30 AMmaveriks
212606217Pilar P. BarbosaStudies on Variation in Portuguese (Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics)2024epub7/13/2024 5:24:09 AMrisotor
212495177Nuno DomingosLegacies of the Portuguese Colonial Empire: Nationalism, Popular Culture and Citizenship2024epub7/1/2024 5:35:33 PMmaveriks
212328871Ana Martins AmaroProceedings of the 10th Congress of the Portuguese Society of Biomechanics: CNB 2023 (Lecture Notes in Bioengineering)2024pdf6/16/2024 12:43:06 PMalex21s
212315039Ana Gabriela MacedoWomen, the Arts, and Dictatorship in the Portuguese-Speaking Context: Tensions, Disputes, and Post-Memory Heritage (Culture & Conflict, 27)2024pdf6/15/2024 11:49:49 AMgestalt
212109843Miguel CardinaThe Portuguese Colonial War and the African Liberation Struggles (Memory Studies: Global Constellations)2024rar5/28/2024 8:18:44 PMalex21s
211963243Laura Alvarez LopezThe Portuguese Language Continuum in Africa and Brazil (Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics)2024epub5/15/2024 3:10:52 AMmaveriks
211960326Barbara O. BaptistaEnglish with a Latin Beat: Studies in Portuguese/Spanish English Interphonology (Studies in Bilingualism)2024pdf5/15/2024 2:52:27 AMmaveriks
211790391Francisco Jose B.S. LeandroPortuguese-speaking Small Island Developing States: The Development Journeys of Cabo Verde, S o Tom and Pr ncipe, and Timor-Leste2024pdf4/29/2024 1:06:34 AMtopron

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