Books with tag Poisson

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214111238Kimberly F. SellersThe Conway Maxwell Poisson Distribution (Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monographs, Series Number 8)2024pdf12/4/2024 4:28:54 AMtopron
213855470Yury A. KutoyantsIntroduction to the Statistics of Poisson Processes and Applications (Frontiers in Probability and the Statistical Sciences) 2023rd Edition2023pdf11/23/2024 3:08:49 AMeternal
2124499169Daniel HugPoisson Hyperplane Tessellations (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)2024pdf6/27/2024 6:33:16 AMalex21s
206710366Ralf BlosseyThe Poisson-Boltzmann Equation: An Introduction (SpringerBriefs in Physics)2021pdf8/2/2023 1:36:50 AMrisotor
148095763Frank A HaightHandbook of the Poisson Distribution (ORSAS)1967-06-01djvu3/2/2022 11:00:40 AMtvladb77
1975032273Marius CrainicLectures on Poisson Geometry (Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 217)2021pdf1/24/2022 7:14:15 AMmaveriks
1885320104Hesna CailliauLe paradoxe du poisson rouge : Une voie chinoise pour reussir [French]2016EPUB1/30/2021 2:59:01 PMGustavi
1882381188Poisson Theory of Elastic PlatesPoisson Theory of Elastic Plates2021EPUB1/26/2021 5:01:16 PMrisotor
185877353Lena ForestierLena Forestier - Comme des poissons dans un aquarium [French]2017EPUB12/11/2020 1:12:27 PMeternal
184606491Poisson Line Cox Process: Foundations and Applications to Vehicular Networks Synthesis LecturesPoisson Line Cox Process: Foundations and Applications to Vehicular Networks Synthesis Lectures2020PDF11/16/2020 8:23:05 AMstirkout

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