Books with tag Perspectives

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21409326Anders G. Nilsson, Christofer Tolis, Christer Nellborn (auth.), Prof. Anders G. Nilsson, Christofer Perspectives on Business ModellingOct 12, 2012PDF12/3/2024 9:40:18 AMcomet
214086711Tim ThorntonEsssential Philosophy of Psychiatry (International Perspectives in Philosophy and Psychiatry)2024rar12/3/2024 4:33:58 AMtopron
214074729Koen van der GaastChapters on Interdisciplinary Research and Research Skills (Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity)2024pdf12/1/2024 4:49:41 PMtopron
214073216Eran HalperinPsychological Intergroup Interventions (Global Perspectives in Political Psychology)2024pdf12/1/2024 4:40:08 PMtopron
21403747Cecilia PantiDante s Visions: Crossing Sights on Natural Philosophy, Theory of Vision, and Medicine in the Divine Comedy and Beyond (Global Perspectives on the History of Natural Philosophy)2024rar11/29/2024 9:39:53 AMstirkout
214012813Vanessa RattenSport Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Technology Innovation Perspectives2024epub11/29/2024 3:08:11 AMrisotor
21400745Dianna MurphyExploring the US Language Flagship Program: Professional Competence in a Second Language by Graduation (New Perspectives on Language and Education, 50) (Volume 50)2024pdf11/29/2024 2:34:04 AMrisotor
21400699Francisco Parra-Luna (auth.), Francisco Parra-Luna (eds.)Performance of Social Systems: Perspectives and Problems2012PDF11/29/2024 2:31:10 AMcomet
213991514Malcolm Harrison, Teela SandersSocial Policies and Social Control: New Perspectives on the 'Not-So-Big Society'2014EPUB11/28/2024 1:58:34 PMcomet
213990111Ingrid HjelmSamaritans and Jews in History and Tradition Changing Perspectives 102024True PDF11/28/2024 1:33:48 PMcomet

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