Books with tag Pennsylvania

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2133430107Jennifer L. GreenDark History of Penn's Woods II: Unusual Deaths, Crimes, and Hauntings in Southeastern Pennsylvania2024epub10/1/2024 6:47:29 PMstirkout
213284916Chris KendallBetween Possibility and Peril: Domestic Courts and the Selective Enforcement of International Human Rights (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights)2024epub9/23/2024 5:34:31 AMmaveriks
2130725106Alessandro PezzatiAdventures in Photography: Expeditions of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and AnthropologyMay 2002pdf8/26/2024 7:30:41 AMtvladb77
212862131Jacqueline BhabhaHuman Rights and Adolescence (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights)2024epub7/31/2024 4:24:36 AMrisotor
210928841 Coursera Business Foundations Specialization by University of Pennsylvania VIDEO3/16/2024 6:37:12 PMoblivion
2108810184Colette Brull-UlmannThrough the Morgue Door: One Woman s Story of Survival and Saving Children in German-Occupied Paris (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights)2024epub3/12/2024 7:45:43 PMalex21s
210558046Sonia CardenasHuman Rights in Latin America: A Politics of Transformation (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights) Ed 22024epub2/24/2024 6:21:34 AMtopron
210362683Albert J. ChurellaThe Pennsylvania Railroad, Volume 1: Building an Empire, 1846-1917 (American Business, Politics, and Society)2024epub2/11/2024 7:59:20 PMalex21s
2085207119Flavio G. ContiItalian Prisoners of War in Pennsylvania: Allies on the Home Front, 1944 1945 (The Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Series in Italian Studies)2024epub11/1/2023 12:02:41 PMalex21s
1447247155Landis Valley AssociatesThe Landis Valley Cookbook: Pennsylvania German Foods & Traditions [German]2017EPUB10/22/2023 5:18:42 AMmaveriks

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