Books with tag Papaya

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1885600539Sisir MitraThe Papaya: Botany, Production and Uses2020-09-01pdf1/31/2021 4:20:50 AMmaveriks
1871365322Lien YeomansGreen Papaya2001PDF1/6/2021 3:28:44 AMmaveriks
181098594Susan M Lark M.D.Eat Papayas Naked: The Ph Balanced Diet for Super Health And Glowing Beauty2005PDF9/7/2020 9:05:58 AMrisotor
1701748230Easy Papaya Cookbook: 50 Delicious Tropical Papaya Recipes for Soups, Salsas, Jams, and Much More (2Easy Papaya Cookbook: 50 Delicious Tropical Papaya Recipes for Soups, Salsas, Jams, and Much More (2nd Edition)2020PDF2/25/2020 11:19:48 AMstirkout
1615052248Susan Palmquist, Jill HoukThe Essential Dehydrator: From Dried Mushroom Risotto to Grilled Tuna with Papaya Chutney, More Than 100 Recipes Bursting with Fresh Flavor2013-07-18PDF9/29/2019 9:47:05 AMmaveriks
157432284Ray Ming, Paul H. MooreGenetics and Genomics of Papaya2013PDF7/20/2019 10:15:15 PMalex21s
1396296343Fernanda Antunes CarvalhoMolecular Phylogeny, Biogeography and an e-Monograph of the Papaya Family (Caricaceae) as an Example of Taxonomy in the Electronic Age2015pdf9/22/2018 10:19:31 PMtvladb77
10217291156Parmeshwar Lal SaranPapaya: Biology, Cultivation, Production and Uses2015-10-16PDF12/13/2016 4:41:14 PMcivilbook

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