Books with tag Number

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214278526Rafael PalaciosDynamics of Flexible Aircraft: Coupled Flight Mechanics, Aeroelasticity, and Control (Cambridge Aerospace Series, Series Number 52)2024pdf12/10/2024 9:09:50 PMalex21s
2142705118Edward ScheinermanFrom Counting to Continuum: What Are Real Numbers, Really?2024pdf12/10/2024 3:24:37 AMstirkout
214175142Pierre E. Cartier, Bernard Julia, Pierre Moussa, Pierre VanhoveFrontiers in Number Theory, Physics, and Geometry I On Random Matrices, Zeta Functions, and Dynamical Systems2010pdf12/7/2024 4:58:41 AMrubybook
214111259Kimberly F. SellersThe Conway Maxwell Poisson Distribution (Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monographs, Series Number 8)2024pdf12/4/2024 4:28:54 AMtopron
214107319Francois DelerueCyber Operations and International Law (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, Series Number 146)2024rar12/4/2024 3:59:07 AMgestalt
214110241Najwa HirnAlgebra Workbook Adding Subtracting Real Numbers2020epub12/4/2024 3:46:37 AMeternal
214075429Alan E. SteinweisThe People's Dictatorship: A History of Nazi Germany (New Approaches to European History, Series Number 64)2024rar12/2/2024 12:32:25 AMstirkout
2140530113Jamie FluxMastering Number Theory in Python: Unlocking the Secrets of Prime Numbers and the Riemann Hypothesis (Golden Dawn Engineering)2024pdf11/30/2024 2:22:51 AMeternal
2139537106James Pommersheim, Tim MarksNumber Theory: A Lively Introduction with Proofs, Applications, and Stories+(Complete Instructor's Resources, Solution Manual),1st Edition2010pdf11/27/2024 4:30:44 AMeternal
213874671Joe CameronIQ Challenge: Over 500 Perplexing Number, Letter & Visual Puzzles by Joe Cameron (2006-05-03)2024pdf11/25/2024 5:41:03 AMstirkout

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