Books with tag Neighborhood

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213878416Robert Mark SilvermanAffordable Housing in US Shrinking Cities: From Neighborhoods of Despair to Neighborhoods of Opportunity?2024pdf11/25/2024 1:09:14 AMstirkout
213757135Walter HatchGhosts in the Neighborhood: Why Japan Is Haunted by Its Past and Germany Is Not (Emerging Democracies)2024rar11/15/2024 2:47:50 AMmaveriks
213533613Veronica E. AplencImagining Slovene Socialist Modernity: The Urban Redesign of Ljubljana s Beloved Trnovo Neighborhood, 1951 1989 (Central European Studies)2024pdf10/22/2024 2:54:29 AMtopron
213273839Robert C. Ellickson LL.B.America's Frozen Neighborhoods: The Abuse of Zoning2024pdf9/22/2024 12:41:40 PMrisotor
212844824Karina V. KorostelinaNeighborhood Resilience and Urban Conflict (Routledge Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution)2024pdf7/30/2024 10:10:51 AMmaveriks
211886544Danny KormanWalking Cincinnati: 35 Walking Tours Exploring Historic Neighborhoods, Stunning Riverfront Quarters, and Hidden Treasures in the Queen City Ed 22024epub5/9/2024 12:40:15 AMtopron
210263796Hetty McKinnonNeighborhood: Hearty Salads and Plant-Based Recipes from Home and Abroad2017epub2/5/2024 4:18:02 AMeternal
2102529729Brian LylesThe LEGO Neighborhood Book 2: Build Your Own Town!2024pdf2/4/2024 2:38:54 AMtopron
209738955Lloyd JamesLaurel Canyon The Inside Story of Life in L.A.'s Legendary Rock and Roll Neighborhood [Audiobook]2006M4B@64 kbps1/16/2024 11:28:34 AMcomet
209546138Craig UchidaCommunity, Crime Control, and Collective Efficacy: Neighborhoods and Crime in Miami2024epub1/10/2024 1:36:43 AMrisotor

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