Books with tag Monteverdi

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213827721Jeffrey KurtzmanApproaches to Monteverdi: Aesthetic, Psychological, Analytical and Historical Studies (Variorum Collected Studies)2024epub11/20/2024 5:27:38 AMtopron
212721169Tim CarterMonteverdi's Voices: A Poetics of the Madrigal2024epub7/20/2024 11:14:43 AMstirkout
2027160164no autorClaudio Monteverdi s Venetian Operas: Sources, Performance, Interpretation (Ashgate Interdisciplinary Studies in Opera)2021pdf9/23/2022 8:57:33 PMtopron
1924279374Susan LewisClaudio Monteverdi: A Research and Information Guide (Routledge Music Bibliographies)2021pdf6/20/2021 7:17:17 PMtopron
1879911143Mitchell CohenThe Politics of Opera: A History from Monteverdi to Mozart2017-09-05pdf1/21/2021 7:46:23 AMmaveriks
184455596John Whenham and Richard WistreichThe Cambridge Companion to Monteverdi2007EPUB11/13/2020 10:16:37 AMstirkout
181164778era and Society in Italy and France from Monteverdi to Bourdieu By Victoria Johnson, Jane F. FulcherOpera and Society in Italy and France from Monteverdi to Bourdieu2007PDF9/8/2020 4:14:32 PMgestalt
176989492Silke LeopoldClaudio Monteverdi: Biografie [German]2017EPUB6/13/2020 7:57:34 AMrisotor
1634051174Hanspeter Krellmann, Jurgen Schlader'Der moderne Komponist baut auf der Wahrheit': Opern des Barock von Monteverdi bis Mozart2019PDF10/31/2019 9:45:05 PMtopron
1496064115Mark Ellis,A Chord in Time: The Evolution of the Augmented Sixth from Monteverdi to Mahler2018PDF3/8/2019 4:28:07 AMcomet

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