Books with tag Moche

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212057449Robert W. BoyleA History of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry, from Prehistory to the End of the Classical Period2024pdf5/24/2024 1:31:11 AMstirkout
2116864178David SaundersPicture Worlds: Storytelling on Greek, Moche, and Maya Pottery2024pdf4/19/2024 12:29:31 PMtopron
2047613333Pradeep VermaThermochemical and Catalytic Conversion Technologies for Future Biorefineries: Volume 2 (Clean Energy Production Technologies)2021pdf1/26/2023 6:01:10 PMgestalt
1993235155Lisa TreverImage Encounters: Moche Murals and Archaeo Art History2021rar3/25/2022 1:35:30 PMmaveriks
1982033463Harry McSween JrCosmochemistry Ed 22021pdf2/16/2022 9:59:58 PMmaveriks
1594806338Naminosuke KubotaPropellants and Explosives: Thermochemistry and Combustion2001pdf2/7/2022 2:39:18 PMtvladb77
1977039239Mary WeismantelPlaying with Things: Engaging the Moche Sex Pots (William & Bettye Nowlin)2021pdf1/30/2022 9:14:29 PMrisotor
1456376352Gabriel PlascenciaBasic Thermochemistry in Materials Processing2017pdf9/28/2021 8:17:46 PMtvladb77
1939630240Sonil NandaProgressive Thermochemical Biorefining Technologies2021pdf9/9/2021 5:14:19 AMalex21s
1929855196Jason HarveyHighly Siderophile and Strongly Chalcophile Elements in High-Temperature Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry (Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry)2021pdf7/17/2021 11:12:29 AMeternal

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