Books with tag Historical

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213356721Edward ClemmerJulian of Norwich in Her Phenomenology: Her Spiritual Texts and Their Historical Contexts2024epub10/4/2024 1:44:26 AMmaveriks
213305121Joel SpringAmerican Education (Sociocultural, Political, and Historical Studies in Education) Ed 212024pdf9/25/2024 9:43:22 AMmaveriks
213304637Kaveh BoveiriMarxian Totality: Inverting Hegel to Expound Worldly Matters (Historical Materialism Book)2024pdf9/25/2024 9:18:52 AMmaveriks
213293453Carolyn HamiltonTerrific Majesty: The Powers of Shaka Zulu and the Limits of Historical Invention2024pdf9/24/2024 3:49:04 AMstirkout
213292958Franciscus VerellenThe Taoist Canon: A Historical Companion to the Daozang2024epub9/24/2024 3:44:37 AMstirkout
213283322Stephan HammelToward a Materialist Conception of Music History (Historical Materialism Book, 328)2024pdf9/23/2024 5:22:22 AMmaveriks
213271655Kenneth D. KeathleyPerspectives on the Historical Adam and Eve: Four Views2024epub9/22/2024 12:25:54 PMrisotor
213271414Debby KorenResponsa in a Historical Context: A View of Post-Expulsion Spanish-Portuguese Jewish Communities through Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Responsa (Studies in Orthodox Judaism)2024pdf9/22/2024 12:24:02 PMrisotor
213269517Abdul Karim BanguraEmperor Zhu Yuanzhang's Eulogy of the Prophet Muhammad: Historical, Literary, and Linguistic Analyses2024pdf9/22/2024 12:10:41 PMrisotor
213186861Tomas BokedalScripture and Theology: Historical and Systematic Perspectives (Theologische Bibliothek T pelmann, 201)2024rar9/9/2024 1:42:47 PMtopron

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