Books with tag Fouling

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1425580100Ioannis K. KonstantinouAntifouling Paint Biocides (The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry)2006pdf1/10/2022 3:17:20 PMtvladb77
1413344169Alexander I. RailkinMarine Biofouling: Colonization Processes and Defenses2003pdf12/29/2021 12:42:52 PMtvladb77
1929853100Francesco ColettiCrude Oil Fouling: Deposit Characterization, Measurements, and Modeling2021pdf7/17/2021 11:10:37 AMeternal
128229070Claire Hellio Advances in Marine Antifouling Coatings and Technologies (Woodhead Publishing Series in Metals and Surface Engineering)2009-06-05pdf10/31/2020 11:04:10 PMtvladb77
180111766nitoring and Control of Macrofouling Mollusks in Fresh Water Systems, Second Edition By Gerald L. MaMonitoring and Control of Macrofouling Mollusks in Fresh Water Systems, Second Edition2009PDF8/18/2020 6:30:48 AMrisotor
178986371Demetrio BoltovskoyLimnoperna Fortunei: The Ecology, Distribution and Control of a Swiftly Spreading Invasive Fouling Mussel2015PDF7/23/2020 6:14:16 PMstirkout
176179599tifouling Compounds (Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology) By Nobuhiro Fusetani, Anthony S.Antifouling Compounds (Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology)2006PDF5/29/2020 4:46:03 PMeternal
1689236357Viswanathan S. SajiCorrosion and Fouling Control in Desalination Industry2020PDF2/6/2020 6:08:55 AMtopron
1689146116Sergey Dobretsov, Jeremy Thomason, David N. WilliamsBiofouling MethodsOctober 6, 2014pdf2/6/2020 3:30:42 AMstirkout
168682086Takaomi Arai, Hiroya Harino, Madoka Ohji, William LangstonEcotoxicology of Antifouling BiocidesMarch 16, 2009pdf2/3/2020 3:52:38 PMmaveriks

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