Books with tag Evaluation

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213712725Howell G. M. EdwardsA Raphael Madonna and Child Oil Painting: A Forensic Analytical Evaluation2024rar11/9/2024 2:57:55 AMstirkout
213643527Jerry FitzGeraldBusiness Data Communications and Networking, Twelth Edition Evaluations Copy Ed 122024pdf11/4/2024 3:13:17 AMstirkout
213612066Franz J. HockDrug Discovery and Evaluation: Safety and Pharmacokinetic Assays2024pdf10/30/2024 8:59:38 PMgestalt
213605812David ConnollyWhite Castle: The Evaluation of an Upstanding Prehistoric Enclosure in East Lothian2024pdf10/30/2024 10:54:26 AMgestalt
213593535Supriya RouthLabour Justice: A Constitutional Evaluation of Labour Law2024pdf10/30/2024 1:55:07 AMrisotor
2134819121Douglas C. Montgomery, George C. RungerApplied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 7th Edition Evaluation Copy, 7th Edition2017pdf10/16/2024 6:23:02 AMrubybook
213371116David Breiger PhDEducational Evaluations of Children With Special Needs: Clinical and Forensic Considerations (Forensic Practice in Psychology Series)2024pdf10/5/2024 12:36:50 AMmaveriks
213266279Sheryl L. HendriksFood Security Policy, Evaluation and Impact Assessment (Earthscan Food and Agriculture)2024rar9/21/2024 2:32:02 PMalex21s
213084089Keshav Lalit AmetaS-Heterocycles: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation2024pdf8/27/2024 8:26:26 PMalex21s
2130276111Christopher B. OakleyPediatric Headache: Evaluation Through Treatment for the General Provider2024pdf8/19/2024 5:56:00 AMrisotor

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