Books with tag Cytoskeleton

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191094888George PerryAlterations in the Neuronal Cytoskeleton in Alzheimer Disease (Advances in Behavioral Biology, 34)1987pdf4/12/2021 10:28:31 PMtvladb77
143159939Patrick HusseyPlant Cytoskeleton in Cell Differentiation and Development (Annual Plant Reviews,) Volume 102004pdf2/11/2021 10:11:45 PMtvladb77
176713367Heide SchattenThe Cytoskeleton in Health and Disease.2015PDF6/7/2020 4:31:35 PMrisotor
1689684157e Plant Cytoskeleton By Richard B. Meagher, Muthugapatti K. Kandasamy, Lori King (auth.), Bo Liu (edThe Plant Cytoskeleton2011PDF2/6/2020 11:07:20 PMtopron
1664151113Helder MaiatoCytoskeleton Dynamics: Methods and Protocols2020PDF12/27/2019 7:27:26 AMgestalt
166016861le in Cell Physiology (The Cytoskeleton) By John E. Hesketh, Ian F. PrymeRole in Cell Physiology (The Cytoskeleton)1996PDF12/20/2019 5:31:51 AMgestalt
16492571048Vaidurya Pratap Sahi, Frantisek BaluskaThe Cytoskeleton: Diverse Roles in a Plants Life (Plant Cell Monographs)February 1, 2020pdf12/1/2019 2:19:49 AMgestalt
1645515136Hans Georg MannherzThe Actin Cytoskeleton and Bacterial Infection (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology Book 399)2017pdf11/19/2019 10:30:33 PMtvladb77
1577582127Jonathon HowardMechanics of Motor Proteins & the Cytoskeleton2018PDF7/26/2019 4:41:11 AMGustavi
152553077Ray H. GavinCytoskeleton Methods and Protocols, 3 edition2015EPUB4/19/2019 2:40:00 PMGustavi

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