Books with tag Coupling

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212547262Tamae SeoPalladium-Catalyzed Mechanochemical Cross-Coupling Reactions (Springer Theses)2024pdf7/7/2024 12:49:29 PMalex21s
2090742666Sarah BartlettThe Astrology of Sex: A Guide to Cosmic Coupling and the Sensual Secrets Behind Your Sign2022epub12/14/2023 6:52:45 AMeternal
2085064218Takehiro ImuraWireless Power Transfer: Using Magnetic and Electric Resonance Coupling Techniques2024pdf11/1/2023 12:15:15 AMstirkout
2083898140Toni MakelaTowards Global Interpretation of LHC Data: SM and EFT Couplings from Jet and Top-Quark Measurements at CMS (Springer Theses)2024pdf10/20/2023 11:22:02 AMtopron
2083284142Sindre W. HauglandOn Coexistence Patterns: Hierarchies of Intricate Partially Symmetric Solutions to Stuart-Landau Oscillators with Nonlinear Global Coupling (Springer Theses)2024pdf10/16/2023 1:39:05 AMstirkout
2075956219Xiao-Feng WuC-C Cross Couplings with 3d Base Metal Catalysts (Topics in Organometallic Chemistry, 71)2021pdf9/1/2023 12:26:11 AMstirkout
207420660Stefan ZielonkaGenotype Phenotype Coupling: Methods and Protocols, 2nd Edition2023epub, pdf8/22/2023 10:21:17 PMtvladb77
2074008113Xizheng KeSpatial Optical-Fiber Coupling Technology in Optical-Wireless Communication (Optical Wireless Communication Theory and Technology)2021pdf8/21/2023 7:45:22 PMalex21s
2071231162Janine CossyOrganozinc Derivatives and Transition Metal Catalysts: Formation of C-C Bonds by Cross-coupling2021rar8/11/2023 2:35:08 AMtopron
2048773168Daphne Rose KingmaComing Apart: How to Heal Your Broken Heart (Uncoupling, Breaking up with someone you love, Divorce, Moving on)2021epub6/21/2023 2:50:45 AMgestalt

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