Books with tag Counter-Terrorist

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2066355118Judith GrohmannFighting the War on Terror: Global Counter-Terrorist Units and their Actions2021epub7/31/2023 5:55:48 AMalex21s
201712480no autorAccountability and Review in the Counter-Terrorist State2021pdf7/23/2022 8:03:38 PMtopron
1927719102Doron GoldbarshtGlobal Counter-Terrorist Financing and Soft Law: Multi-layered Approaches2021pdf7/7/2021 10:11:01 AMeternal
1871675238Mastering Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (The Mastering Series)Mastering Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing2019EPUB1/6/2021 3:50:29 PMalex21s
1799950297Leroy ThompsonHostage Rescue Manual: Tactics of the Counter-Terrorist Professionals-Revised Editio2006EPUB8/15/2020 4:30:12 AMrisotor
1395717629Michael GrahamSecret SAS Missions in Africa: C Squadron's Counter-Terrorist Operations 1968-19802018EPUB 9/20/2018 5:00:31 PMalex21s
1218642526Leigh NevilleEuropean Counter-Terrorist Units 1972-20172017-10-24epub12/12/2017 8:29:03 AMeternal

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