Books with tag Communities

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213343244George WatsonConnections, Communities, and Coinage: The System of Coin Production in Southern Asia Minor, AD 218 276 (Numismatic Studies)2024pdf10/2/2024 3:15:39 AMgestalt
213342941Lourdes Cardozo-gaibissoHandbook of Research on Advancing Language Equity Practices With Immigrant Communities (Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design)2024pdf10/1/2024 7:11:10 PMstirkout
213325043Roland J-L BretonAtlas of the Languages and Ethnic Communities of South Asia2024pdf9/28/2024 1:48:16 AMstirkout
213271430Debby KorenResponsa in a Historical Context: A View of Post-Expulsion Spanish-Portuguese Jewish Communities through Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Responsa (Studies in Orthodox Judaism)2024pdf9/22/2024 12:24:02 PMrisotor
213162253Len HansenUnfinished Business: Faith Communities and Reconciliation in a Post TRC Context2024rar9/6/2024 10:50:27 AMtopron
213026889Ana OpacicPracticing Social Work in Deprived Communities: Competencies, Methods, and Techniques (European Social Work Education and Practice)2024pdf8/18/2024 9:19:40 PMrisotor
212998650Derrick PriceCoal Cultures: Picturing Mining Landscapes and Communities (Photography, Place, Environment)2024azw38/16/2024 6:38:13 AMrisotor
212942646Sharon FarmerCommunities of Saint Martin: Legend and Ritual in Medieval Tours2024azw38/9/2024 3:39:35 PMmaveriks
212923651Gregory FairchildEmerging Domestic Markets How Financial Entrepreneurs Reach Underserved Communities in the United States2024azw38/7/2024 11:02:51 AMmaveriks
212884243Lisa BierAmerican Indian and African American People, Communities, and Interactions: An Annotated Bibliography: 48 (Bibliographies and Indexes in American History)2024pdf8/2/2024 1:02:19 AMtopron

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