Books with tag Communications

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213355280Liang XiaoReinforcement Learning for Maritime Communications (Wireless Networks)2023pdf10/3/2024 2:24:13 PMeternal
213331291PR SmithMarketing Communications: Integrating Online and Offline, Customer Engagement and Digital Technologies Ed 82024pdf9/29/2024 3:11:58 AMgestalt
2133183133Anthony Croft, Robert Davison, Martin Hargreaves, James FlintEngineering Mathematics: A Foundation for Electronic, Electrical, Communications and Systems Engineers (4th edition)2012pdf9/27/2024 4:29:21 AMeternal
2133182148Dr Anthony CroftEngineering Mathematics: A Foundation Electrical, Communications and Systems Engineers, 5th Edition2017pdf9/27/2024 4:22:14 AMeternal
2132949110Devabrata SahooAdvances in Aerospace Technologies (River Publishers Series in Communications and Networking)2024rar9/24/2024 3:58:30 AMstirkout
2132367149DANIEL W. BLISSModern Communications: A Systematic Introduction, 1st Edition2022pdf9/19/2024 6:15:31 AMeternal
213232436Konstantin AvrachenkovGame Theory for Networks: 8th International EAI Conference, GameNets 2019, Paris, France, April 25 26, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes of the ... and Telecommunications Engineering, 277)2024rar9/19/2024 5:12:31 AMstirkout
213232350Malek BenslamaAd Hoc Networks Telecommunications and Game Theory (Focus)2024rar9/19/2024 12:29:45 AMstirkout
213229956Yan ZhangGame Theory for Wireless Communications and Networking (Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications)2024rar9/18/2024 5:16:13 AMstirkout
213227134Julian ChengGame Theory for Networks: 6th International Conference, GameNets 2016, Kelowna, BC, Canada, May 11-12, 2016, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes of ... and Telecommunications Engineering, 174)2024rar9/18/2024 3:45:14 AMstirkout

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