Books with tag Commercial

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213380761Jiangzhao ChenHandbook of Perovskite Solar Cells, Volume 3: Critical Challenges and Opportunities in Commercialization (Advances in Materials Science and Engineering)2024pdf10/5/2024 2:03:53 AMstirkout
2132094113David P. TwomeyBusiness Law: Principles for Today s Commercial Environment, Loose-Leaf Version Ed 52024pdf9/12/2024 3:56:50 PMgestalt
213024649Martin LohnigCommercial Law in Southeastern Europe: Legislation and Jurisdiction from Tanzimat Times Until the Eve of the Great War (Legal Area Studies, 2)2024pdf8/18/2024 9:00:39 PMrisotor
212674683Susan SingletonCommercial Agency Agreements: Law and Practice Ed 52024pdf7/17/2024 9:31:21 AMrisotor
212672916Katherine Reece ThomasThe Commercial Activity Exception to State Immunity: An Introduction (Principles of International Law series)2024pdf7/17/2024 9:21:50 AMrisotor
212574513Oscar PalmaCommercial Insurgencies in the Networked Era: The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Cass Military Studies)2024epub7/11/2024 6:21:07 AMrisotor
2125129117Ioana CulicCommercial and Industrial Internet of Things Applications with the Raspberry Pi: Prototyping IoT Solutions2020pdf7/4/2024 6:54:46 AMeternal
212495587R. H. BritnellThe Commercialisation of English Society 1000-15002024pdf7/1/2024 7:02:08 PMtopron
212395175Andrew BurrowsPrinciples of English Commercial Law2024epub6/21/2024 6:55:20 AMmaveriks
212354640Loic CadietOn Judicial Management from Comparative Perspective: International Association of Procedural Law Conference (8-10 Nov. 2017, Tianjin, PRC) (Contemporary Chinese Civil and Commercial Law)2024pdf6/18/2024 12:53:10 PMrisotor

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