Books with tag Classical

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20458812237Zhiyong ZhengModern Cryptography Volume 2: A Classical Introduction to Informational and Mathematical Principle (Financial Mathematics and Fintech)2023pdf10/14/2024 4:23:24 AMrisotor
2134357126Juan H. Vera, Grazyna Wilczek-Vera, Claudio Olivera-FuentesClassical and Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid Systems: Principles and Applications, 2nd Edition2024pdf, epub10/11/2024 1:35:22 AMrubybook
2134349238Tai L. ChowClassical Mechanics 3rd Edition2024pdf10/10/2024 9:47:54 PMalex21s
2133553138Vasques, XavierMachine Learning Theory and Applications: Hands-on Use Cases with Python on Classical and Quantum Machines, 1st Edition2024pdf,epub10/3/2024 3:00:16 PMeternal
2133339202Matthew J. BenacquistaClassical Mechanics (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics) 1st ed.2018pdf,epub10/1/2024 5:09:44 AMeternal
213337360Norman CalderClassical Islam Ed 22024rar10/1/2024 1:34:30 AMtopron
2133332217Javier E Hasbun PhDClassical Mechanics: with MATLAB Applications,[2 ed.]2018pdf9/29/2024 6:18:01 AMeternal
213320788Mikko KorhonenMaximal Solvable Subgroups of Finite Classical Groups (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)2024pdf9/27/2024 2:32:39 PMtopron
19906431010Harald IroModern Approach To Classical Mechanics, A (Second Edition)2021pdf9/27/2024 8:05:48 AMmaveriks
2132856123Gerard A. MauginNon-Classical Continuum Mechanics: A Dictionary (Advanced Structured Materials, 51)2024epub9/27/2024 3:12:58 AMmaveriks

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