Books with tag Church

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21426293James C. HumesThe Wit & Wisdom of Winston Churchill1995epub12/9/2024 3:56:57 AMeternal
21425739Harold L. SenkbeilChurch Leadership & Strategy: For the Care of Souls (Lexham Ministry Guides)2024epub12/9/2024 12:38:58 AMmaveriks
21424704Nicolete BurbachTrans Life and the Catholic Church Today2024pdf12/8/2024 11:38:48 PMmaveriks
214212512Cloe Taddei-FerrettiEven the Dogs: The Ordination of Women in the Catholic Church (60) (Theologie: Forschung und Wissenschaft)2024pdf12/7/2024 1:14:23 PMrisotor
214150116VIVEK SINGHWinston Churchill: The Man Who Defied Hitler2024epub12/5/2024 2:59:58 AMeternal
214129015Francisco Garcia-SerranoThe Friars and their Influence in Medieval Spain (Church, Faith and Culture in the Medieval West)2024pdf12/4/2024 12:24:15 PMrisotor
214058712Diane LangbergWhen the Church Harms God's People: Becoming Faith Communities That Resist Abuse, Pursue Truth, and Care for the Wounded2024epub11/30/2024 7:03:45 AMmaveriks
21394697St. John ChrysostomConsolation to Stagirius (Fathers of the Church Patristic Series)2024pdf11/27/2024 2:59:13 AMmaveriks
213900512N. T. WrightChallenge of Acts: Rediscovering What the Church Was and Is2024True EPUB11/26/2024 12:52:17 AMcomet
213815720Fred PowellThe Political Economy of the Irish Welfare State: Church, State and Capital2024pdf11/19/2024 8:47:05 PMgestalt

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