Books with tag Care

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214098112Lloyd, RobertReligion and Health Care in East Africa: Lessons from Uganda, Mozambique and Ethiopia2019PDF12/3/2024 11:04:01 AMcomet
214090122Samuel SullinsLow Poly 3D Modeling in Blender: Kickstart your career as a 3D artist by learning how to create low poly assets and scenes from scratch2024epub12/3/2024 4:58:53 AMtopron
214087716Mypinder S. SekhonNeurocritical Care Essentials: A Practical Guide2024pdf12/3/2024 4:41:01 AMtopron
213988115Joan Capuzzi, VMDPuppy Care A Complete Guide to Raising a Happy Puppy in a Positive Environment2024True PDF11/30/2024 10:09:25 PMcomet
214061511Jan Paul HeisigLate-career Risks in Changing Welfare States: Comparing Germany and the United States since the 1980s2024pdf11/30/2024 7:20:35 AMmaveriks
214058711Diane LangbergWhen the Church Harms God's People: Becoming Faith Communities That Resist Abuse, Pursue Truth, and Care for the Wounded2024epub11/30/2024 7:03:45 AMmaveriks
214041720David J. GeeThe Aspiring CIO and CISO: A career guide to developing leadership skills, knowledge, experience, and behavior2024epub11/29/2024 11:51:32 AMtopron
214038118Naomi ChambersResearch Handbook on Leadership in Healthcare2024pdf11/29/2024 9:45:24 AMstirkout
214036033Kerrie HolleyLLMs and Generative AI for Healthcare2024MOBI11/29/2024 8:57:21 AMcomet
214015110Marcos Gonz?lez HernandoUncomfortably Off: Why Higher-Income Earners Should Care about Inequality2023PDF11/29/2024 3:45:54 AMcomet

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