Books with tag Between

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2133940165Erin Jeanne McDowellSavory Baking: Recipes for Breakfast, Dinner, and Everything in Between2022epub10/6/2024 7:14:51 AMeternal
213380552Fritjof CapraThe Tao of physics: An exploration of the parallels between modern physics and eastern mysticism2024rar10/5/2024 2:02:40 AMstirkout
2133484121Simon MayallThe House of War: The Struggle between Christendom and the Caliphate2024pdf10/3/2024 12:59:35 AMtopron
2133410156Douglas M. JessephSquaring the Circle: The War between Hobbes and Wallis (Science and Its Conceptual Foundations series)2024pdf10/1/2024 6:33:21 PMstirkout
213329978Rodger PriceFaith and Physics Uncovered: The Compelling Relationship Between Timeless Faith and Modern Physics2024rar9/29/2024 4:54:36 AMgestalt
213310320Anastasia YiangouThe Greeks and the British in the Levant, 1800-1960s: Between Empires and Nations (British School at Athens - Modern Greek and Byzantine Studies)2024epub9/25/2024 9:55:29 AMmaveriks
213302151Gerry O'BrienBetween Two Hells The Irish Civil War [Audiobook]2024M4B@64 kbps9/25/2024 8:36:31 AMcomet
213294434Barak KushnerThe Geography of Injustice: East Asia's Battle between Memory and History2024epub9/24/2024 3:55:18 AMstirkout
213284918Chris KendallBetween Possibility and Peril: Domestic Courts and the Selective Enforcement of International Human Rights (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights)2024epub9/23/2024 5:34:31 AMmaveriks
213274021Alon HelledIsrael s National Historiography: Between Generations, Identity and State (Palgrave Studies on Norbert Elias)2024pdf9/22/2024 12:43:31 PMrisotor

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