Books with tag Behavioral

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213363520Peter MasciniLaw and Behavioral Sciences: Why We Need Less Purity Rather Than More (41) (Erasmus Law Lectures)2024pdf10/4/2024 2:32:41 AMmaveriks
213349946Ph.D. Kleespies, Phillip M.Behavioral Emergencies: An Evidence-Based Resource for Evaluating and Managing Risk of Suicide, Violence, and Victimization2024pdf10/3/2024 1:11:55 AMtopron
213349836Suzanne M. MillerHandbook of Cancer Control and Behavioral Science: A Resource for Researchers, Practitioners, and Policymakers2024pdf10/3/2024 1:11:19 AMtopron
213331537Kurt SalzingerBehavioral Mechanisms and Psychopathology: Advancing the Explanation of Its Nature, Cause, and Treatment2024pdf9/29/2024 3:13:47 AMgestalt
213309761Kathy R. BerensonManaging Your Research Data and Documentation (Concise Guides to Conducting Behavioral, Health, and Social Science Research Series)2024epub9/25/2024 9:52:21 AMmaveriks
213233247Victor J. TremblayNew Perspectives on Industrial Organization: With Contributions from Behavioral Economics and Game Theory (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)2024rar9/19/2024 12:35:15 AMstirkout
213219994Herbert GintisThe Bounds of Reason: Game Theory and the Unification of the Behavioral Sciences2024pdf9/16/2024 5:32:23 AMtopron
2131517115M.D. Sandra A. JacobsonLaboratory Medicine in Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, 2nd Edition2023pdf9/5/2024 6:32:42 AMrubybook
2130959110Roger FrantzRoutledge Handbook of Behavioral Economics (Routledge International Handbooks)2024rar8/29/2024 10:55:33 AMtopron
212780750Lee Kern Ph.D.Supporting Students with Emotional and Behavioral Problems: Prevention and Intervention Strategies2024epub7/25/2024 10:46:35 AMgestalt

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