Books with tag Atlantic

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213821311Richard OramWith Our Backs to the Ocean: Land, Lordship, Climate Change, and Environment in the North-West European Past: Essays in Memory of Alasdair Ross (Environmental Histories of the North Atlantic World, 5)2024pdf11/20/2024 2:55:37 AMrisotor
213712136Jonathan HollinsVet at the End of the Earth: Adventures with Animals in the South Atlantic2024epub11/9/2024 2:53:29 AMstirkout
213479537Cyrus MooreLove, War, and Classical Tradition in the Early Modern Transatlantic World: Alonso de Ercilla and Edmund Spenser (Volume 444) (Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies)2024pdf10/16/2024 5:05:37 AMtopron
213248544Michael A. LaCombePolitical Gastronomy: Food and Authority in the English Atlantic World (Early American Studies)2024azw39/20/2024 1:51:06 AMmaveriks
213237952Patrick RaelEighty-Eight Years: The Long Death of Slavery in the United States, 1777 1865 (Race in the Atlantic World, 1700 1900 Ser.)2024azw39/19/2024 10:35:24 AMmaveriks
2131927131Richard FreemanAtlantic Nightmare: The longest continuous military campaign in World War II2019epub9/10/2024 9:51:20 AMeternal
2131618110Randy M. BrowneThe Driver s Story: Labor and Power in the World of Atlantic Slavery (Early American Studies)2024rar9/6/2024 10:48:39 AMtopron
213021652Dr. Kendall McClellan Ph.D.Virtuous Citizens: Counterpublics and Sociopolitical Agency in Transatlantic Literature2024pdf8/18/2024 6:25:22 AMrisotor
212978260Felix BrinkerModernity and the Periodical Press: Trans-atlantic Mass Culture and the Avant-gardes, 1880-1920 (Studies in Periodical Cultures, 2)2024pdf8/14/2024 1:34:54 AMstirkout
212866272Thomas Blake EarleThe Liberty to Take Fish: Atlantic Fisheries and Federal Power in Nineteenth-Century America2024pdf7/31/2024 4:44:08 AMrisotor

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