Books with tag Agra

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213387640Kim Walsh PhillipsUltimate Guide to Instagram for Business (Entrepreneur Ultimate Guide), 2nd Edition2023pdf10/5/2024 4:44:45 AMeternal
1908673677Neetin Agrawal, Agrawal, Neetin,Modern Physics: For IIT-JEE (IIT JEE Books Series by Neetin Agrawal)2019pdf9/29/2024 6:59:08 AMmaveriks
213268736Ashton Whitmoyer-OberA Little Bit of Enneagram An Introduction to the Nine Personality Types [Audiobook]2024M4B@256 kbps9/22/2024 12:01:07 PMcomet
213157875Alisson Machado de MenezesHands-on DevOps with Linux: Build and Deploy DevOps Pipelines Using Linux Commands, Terraform, Docker, Vagrant, and Kubernetes2021AZW3,epub9/6/2024 8:59:03 AMeternal
2131561186Yong-Geun OhLagrangian Floer Theory and Its Deformations: An Introduction to Filtered Fukaya Category (KIAS Springer Series in Mathematics, 2)2024pdf9/5/2024 10:38:13 AMstirkout
213118578Ruben GowricharnThe Girmitiya Peasants in Suriname: Agrarian and Economic Transformations in a Plantation Society2024rar9/2/2024 2:31:52 AMstirkout
213096237Christine MolinerThe Indian Farmers Protest of 2020 2021: Agrarian Crisis, Dissent and Identity (Social Movements and Transformative Dissent)2024pdf8/29/2024 10:57:19 AMtopron
212686455Natalia GutkowskiStruggling for Time: Environmental Governance and Agrarian Resistance in Israel/Palestine2024epub7/18/2024 12:23:50 PMalex21s
212197233Jeffrey F. HamburgerDiagramming Devotion: Berthold of Nuremberg s Transformation of Hrabanus Maurus s Poems in Praise of the Cross (Louise Smith Bross Lecture Series)2024pdf6/4/2024 3:55:20 PMalex21s
212166221Shinder Singh ThandiAgrarian Reform and Farmer Resistance in Punjab2024epub6/3/2024 1:46:25 AMmaveriks

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