Books with tag Africa

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214098114Lloyd, RobertReligion and Health Care in East Africa: Lessons from Uganda, Mozambique and Ethiopia2019PDF12/3/2024 11:04:01 AMcomet
21405645Beverly TomekNew Directions in the Study of African American Recolonization (Southern Dissent)2024pdf11/30/2024 6:49:45 AMmaveriks
21401729Marco ZoppiContested Heritage in Europe and Africa (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Africa)2024rar11/29/2024 4:26:48 AMstirkout
21400685RapisardaOaths of Peace (Bible and Theology in Africa)2024pdf11/29/2024 2:31:00 AMrisotor
213993915Adam HabibSouth Africas Suspended Revolution Hopes And Prospects2013EPUB11/28/2024 2:47:14 PMcomet
213993814Steffen JensenSouth African Homelands As Frontiers: Apartheid's Loose Ends in the Postcolonial Era2016EPUB11/28/2024 2:45:36 PMcomet
213971110Marissa J. MoormanPowerful Frequencies: Radio, State Power, and the Cold War in Angola, 1931 2002 (New African Histories)2024pdf11/28/2024 1:50:08 AMmaveriks
21396945Claire A. AmuhayaA Century of East African Integration2024pdf11/28/2024 1:36:48 AMmaveriks
213955216William M. WiecekDark Past: The US Supreme Court and African Americans, 1800-20152024True EPUB11/27/2024 5:17:16 AMcomet
21390979Mahan L. EllisonAfrica in the Contemporary Spanish Novel, 1990-20102021PDF11/26/2024 3:06:42 AMcomet

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