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1664135655Ivan DivlianskyAdvances in High-Power Fiber and Diode Laser Engineering2019PDFPhysics12/4/2024 12:05:58 PMgestalt
1668447578Nick TaylorLaser: The Inventor, the Nobel Laureate, and the Thirty-Year Patent War2019EPUBPhysics12/4/2024 12:05:57 PMtarantoga
1786803290Lonely Planet, John A Vlahides, Sara BensonLonely Planet Northern California2015EPUBTravel12/4/2024 12:05:57 PMtopron
176458177Step: An Illustrated Guide, 2 edition by S. Serge Barold, Roland X. Stroobandt, Alfons F. SinnaeveCardiac Pacemakers and Resynchronization Step by Step: An Illustrated Guide, 2 edition2010PDFMedicine12/4/2024 12:05:54 PMeternal
206714114149 The Complete Tableau Bootcamp for Data Visualization VIDEODatabases12/4/2024 12:05:53 PMoblivion
209301712908 Getting Started With French VIDEOFrench12/4/2024 12:05:53 PMoblivion
206679516386 ArcGIS Pro Workflows From Data Import to Map Output VIDEOCivil Engineering12/4/2024 12:05:52 PMoblivion
206659812865 Natural Resources Policies and Revenues VIDEOEnvironmental Engineering12/4/2024 12:05:52 PMoblivion
2130831148Euclid SeeramArtificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging Technology: An Introduction2024pdfBiomedical Engineering12/4/2024 12:05:49 PMalex21s
194567861631Timothy G. ThoppilUnwinding Electric Motors: Strategic Perspectives and Insights for Automotive Powertrain Applications2021pdfElectrical Engineering12/4/2024 12:05:48 PMmaveriks
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