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Other_Engineering Books

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21419132Gonzalo Roberto

Passive House Design: Planning and design of energy-efficient buildings (DETAIL Green Books)

2024pdf12/6/2024 9:57:59 PMtopron
21419090Jon Atli Benediktsson

Spectral-Spatial Classififcation of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images

2024pdf12/6/2024 9:55:32 PMtopron
21418974Adam Izdebski

Krakow: An Ecobiography (Russian and East European Studies)

2024pdf12/6/2024 9:48:03 PMtopron
214188614V.N. Bringi, Kumar Vijay Mishra, Merhala Thurai

Advances in Weather Radar: Precipitation science, scattering and processing algorithms (Radar, Sonar and Navigation)

2024pdf12/6/2024 5:07:28 PMrubybook
214188110Devarajan Thangadurai, Jeyabalan Sangeetha

Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Advances and Applications for Bioenergy, Bioremediation and Biopharmaceutical Research

2021pdf12/6/2024 3:38:54 PMrubybook
21418237Taylor, James

BMW E34 The Complete Story

2024True EPUB12/6/2024 12:52:16 PMcomet
21418025Guoping Qiu, Kin Man Lam, Hitoshi Kiya

Advances In Multimedia Information Processing Pcm 2010 11th Pacific Rim Conference On Multimedia Shanghai China September 2124 2010 Proceedings

2010PDF12/6/2024 12:11:43 PMcomet
214177629Dr. Mukesh Saini

Essentials of Data Engineering

2024EPUB12/6/2024 11:18:06 AMcomet
214176812Jan Gulliksen, Morten Borup Harning, Philippe Palanque

Engineering interactive systems: EIS 2007 joint working conferences : EHCI 2007, DSV-IS 2007, HCSE 2007, Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007 : selected papers

2008PDF12/6/2024 10:51:29 AMcomet
214174813M. Frese

Die Biegefestigkeit von Brettschichtholz aus Buche Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zum Laminierungseffekt

2009PDF12/6/2024 10:03:06 AMcomet
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