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 ViewsCoverAuthorTitleYearFormatCategoryView DateThank_to
214012812Vanessa RattenSport Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Technology Innovation Perspectives2024epubManagement12/1/2024 12:29:43 PMrisotor
21401279T.C.A.Srinivasa RaghavanDIALOGUE OF THE DEAF [Hardcover] [Jan 01, 2017] Books Wagon2024epubMisc12/1/2024 12:29:43 PMrisotor
214013113Hazel JoshCognitive Behavioral Therapy: Managing Anxiety, Depression, Eating Disorders and Panic Attacks, CBT Workbook (self help)2024epubHealth and Care12/1/2024 12:29:42 PMrisotor
21401268T. C. HillierThe Moonchild2024epubMisc12/1/2024 12:29:42 PMrisotor
203592068268William D. Cohan (Author), Eric Jason Martin (Narrator), Penguin Audio (Publisher)Power Failure: The Rise and Fall of an American Icon [Audiobook]2022M4BAudio Books12/1/2024 12:29:42 PMcomet
214013414Haworth, RussellThoughts from the Big Chair: A Leader's Guide to Digital Transformation2023PDFManagement12/1/2024 12:29:42 PMcomet
203538374no autorThe Jews of Andhra Pradesh: Contesting Caste and Religion in South India2021pdfMisc12/1/2024 12:29:41 PMrisotor
21401298Anne F Thurston, Burton PasternakThe Social Sciences And Fieldwork In China Views From The FieldMay 31, 2021EPUBHistory12/1/2024 12:29:41 PMcomet
214013312Dietmar Ernst, Ulrich Sailer, Robert GabrielSustainable Business Management, 2nd edition2023pdf,epubManagement12/1/2024 12:29:41 PMeternal
213992513Lesley-Ann JonesSongbird: An Intimate Biography of Christine Mcvie2024True ePUBMusic12/1/2024 12:29:41 PMcomet
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