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Sociology Books

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21417701Gavin Parker

Enabling Participatory Planning: Planning Aid and Advocacy in Neo-Liberal Times

2018PDF12/6/2024 10:55:19 AMcomet
21417402Natasha Lindstaedt

Democratic Decay and Authoritarian Resurgence

2021PDF12/6/2024 9:46:19 AMcomet

Cybercrime and Digital Deviance (2nd Edition)

2024EPUB12/6/2024 9:36:07 AMcomet
21417190Jann Kleffner

Complementarity in the Rome Statute and national criminal jurisdictions

2008PDF12/6/2024 9:06:42 AMcomet
21417123Keith Blenman

Character Development for Badass Writers

2017EPUB12/6/2024 8:54:36 AMcomet
214168716Jonathan Taee

The Patient Multiple: An Ethnography of Healthcare and Decision-Making in Bhutan (WYSE Series in Social Anthropology, 4)

2024pdf12/5/2024 11:50:48 PMstirkout
21416747Jessica C. E. Gienow-Hecht

Decentering America (Explorations in Culture and International History, 4)

2024pdf12/5/2024 11:40:45 PMstirkout

Biotechnological Advances in Agriculture, Healthcare, Environment and Industry

2025PDF (True)12/5/2024 1:08:30 PMcomet
21416019Georg S\u00f8rensen

A Liberal World Order in Crisis Choosing between Imposition and Restraint

2011EPUB12/5/2024 11:06:16 AMcomet
214159516Dave Haslett

176 Lovingly Crafted Ideas for Romance Writers

2017EPUB12/5/2024 10:53:16 AMcomet
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