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Other_Engineering Books

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21417371IGI Global

Software Engineering for Modern Web Applications: Requirement, Design, and Implementation

2022MOBI12/6/2024 9:41:35 AMcomet
21417211Kim Heldman

CompTIA Project+ study guide

2010PDF12/6/2024 9:09:38 AMcomet

Computational Engineering

2020PDF12/6/2024 9:03:39 AMcomet
214165522Donald B. Rubin (auth.), Prof. Jelke G. Bethlehem, Prof. Peter G. M. van der Heijden (eds.)

COMPSTAT Proceedings in Computational Statistics 14th Symposium held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2000

September 6, 2000PDF12/6/2024 8:45:03 AMcomet
214167022John Bacus

Digital Sketching: Computer-Aided Conceptual Design (Practical Revolutions)

2024epub12/5/2024 11:37:44 PMstirkout
214166165Vladimir Kozhevnikov

Electrodynamics of Superconductors

2024pdf12/5/2024 4:42:54 PMrubybook
214164811Roberto Ruozi

Banking Privatisation in Europe: The Process And The Consequences On Strategies And Organisational Structures

Dec 06, 2010PDF12/5/2024 12:57:42 PMcomet
214146614Vincent Blay

Zeolites and Metal-Organic Frameworks: From Lab to Industry (Atlantis Advances in Nanotechnology, Material Science and Energy Technologies)

2024pdf12/5/2024 1:25:58 AMmaveriks
214143910Thomas W. Young

The Speed of Heat: An Airlift Wing at War in Iraq and Afghanistan

2024epub12/5/2024 1:05:50 AMmaveriks
214118823Sheng Zhang

Stratum Ventilation : Advanced Air Distribution For Low-Carbon And Healthy Buildings: Working Principles, Design And Operation Methods, And Application Scenarios

2024PDF (True)12/4/2024 11:17:38 PMcomet
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