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 ViewsCoverAuthorTitleYearFormatCategoryView DateThank_to
206749517224 DATA 101 The Fundamental Building Block of AI Systems VIDEODatabases12/2/2024 7:20:56 AMoblivion
2081253523Christos TjortjisGraph Databases: Applications on Social Media Analytics and Smart Cities2024pdfMathematics12/2/2024 7:20:55 AMtopron
214076736Maricel AgopMultifractal Theory of Motion: From Small to Large Scales2024pdfPhysics12/2/2024 7:20:54 AMstirkout
205171711178 Learn Squared - Environment Design with Gaelle Seguillon VIDEOVideo (tutorials, how-to, etc.)12/2/2024 7:20:54 AMvoska89
2022419260Manfred MichelLeistungselektronik: Einfuhrung in Schaltungen und deren Verhalten (German Edition)2010-06-08pdfElectrical Engineering12/2/2024 7:20:54 AMtvladb77
21407891Brian WhiteBest Homemade Pizza Recipes: Gourmet Pizzas You Can Create at Home - Book 22021epubCooking12/2/2024 7:20:53 AMeternal
2064092515D. Yogi GoswamiThe CRC Handbook of Mechanical Engineering (Handbook Series for Mechanical Engineering) Ed 22021pdfMechanical Engineering12/2/2024 7:20:53 AMstirkout
1994847505Wen-jun LuMulti-mode Resonant Antennas: Theory, Design, and Applications2021pdfTelecommunications12/2/2024 7:20:52 AMrisotor
2132239129Chie IkeyaInterAsian Intimacies across Race, Religion, and Colonialism2024pdfSociology12/2/2024 7:20:50 AMstirkout
211186513435 French Mastery through Short Stories A Beginner's Course VIDEOFrench12/2/2024 7:20:46 AMoblivion
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