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Drupalize.me: Advanced Theming for Drupal 7 Series (2011)
This Advanced Theming in Drupal 7 series picks up where the Theming Basics with Drupal 7 left off. This video gives a high-level overview of the the template.php file, which is where a lot of the theming preprocess functions, form alters and other PHP logic within each theme is located. This series will cover the new page rendering system, and shows you the process of iterating through the theming process with the use of various debugging statements and the theme developer tool. You'll get a crash course through PHP so that you can start using advanced theming concepts such as: how to theme forms, how to cleanly expose information to the theme system, and how to empower your site administrators by making certain parts of the theme available to them for customization. You'll also learn more about some of the new theming hooks that are new in Drupal 7. By the end of the video, you'll have enough tools to be able to completely control the HTML, CSS and javascript that Drupal outputs. Here are the chapters included in this video 1. Introduction Advanced Theming in Drupal 7 12m 2. PHP for Themers 13m 3. Altering variables with preprocess functions 14m 4. Adding new variables with preprocess functions 10m 5. Adding new variables to a specific node type 13m 6. Adding conditional CSS and javascript 10m 7. Dynamic templates with theme hook suggestions 14m 8. Overriding theme functions 9m 9. Creating a preprocess function for a theme function 11m 10. Function name suggestions 18m 11. Theme alter hooks for CSS and javascript 7m 12. Altering the page from the theme layer 13m 13. Altering forms from the theme layer 14m 14. Best practices for hook_form_alter() 10m 15. Theming forms 30m 16. Theme settings 16m 17. Strategies for keeping template files clean 9m