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Psychology Books

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21409794Helen Beetham, Rhona Sharpe

Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital age: Designing and Delivering E-Learning

June 15, 2007PDF12/3/2024 10:59:40 AMcomet
21409333John De Nobile, Gordon Lyons, Michael Arthur-Kelly

Positive Learning Environments Creating and Maintaining Productive Classrooms

2017PDF12/3/2024 9:42:09 AMcomet
214086316Nisha J. Manek MD

Bridging Science and Spirit: The Genius of William A. Tiller's Physics and the Promise of Information Medicine

2019epub12/3/2024 3:56:07 AMeternal
214084115Susan Wallace

Behaviour Management: Getting it Right in a Week

2024pdf12/3/2024 1:59:20 AMtopron
214045913Yasemin Kulak Ozkan

Treatment Options Before and After Edentulism: Implant Overdenture

2024rar12/1/2024 4:16:21 AMtopron
214026326Noah Karrasch

Restoring emotional and energetic balance through myofascial release

2012EPUB11/29/2024 6:23:52 AMcomet
214020313Sally Goddard Blythe

Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning: The INPP Developmental Screening Test and School Intervention Programme

2024PDF11/29/2024 4:48:40 AMcomet

Training in Integrated Relational Psychotherapy

2024PDF EPUB (True)11/29/2024 3:34:03 AMcomet
214009923Zoltan Kovary

A History of Existential Psychology: Introduction to Existential Psychology Volume 1

2024epub11/29/2024 2:51:52 AMrisotor
21400488Donna Baptiste

Promoting Black Women's Mental Health

2024pdf11/29/2024 2:19:59 AMrisotor
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