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Economy Books

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214125910Julie Guthman

The Problem with Solutions Why Silicon Valley Can't Hack the Future of Food

2024PDF12/4/2024 11:16:14 PMcomet
214137419Siegfried Behrendt

Wettbewerbsvorteile durch okologische Dienstleistungen Umsetzung in der Unternehmenspraxis [German]

October 8, 1999PDF12/4/2024 11:12:23 PMcomet
21413687Hans-J?rgen Warnecke (auth.), Professor Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-J?rgen Warnecke, Dipl.-Ing. Joc

Vom Fraktal zum Produktionsnetzwerk: Unternehmenskooperationen erfolgreich gestalten

Apr 16, 2014PDF12/4/2024 1:33:59 PMcomet
214136616Vivek Singh

Wealth Creation Proven Methods for Financial Prosperity

2024EPUB12/4/2024 1:30:37 PMcomet
21413548Aldo Montesano (auth.), Luigi Luini (eds.)

Uncertain Decisions

Nov 05, 2012PDF12/4/2024 1:06:30 PMcomet
214129213Thomas Balogh

Revival: The Economics of Poverty

2019EPUB12/4/2024 12:25:09 PMcomet
214127912Bruce Hawker

Rudd Rebellion: The Campaign to Save Labor

2013EPUB12/4/2024 12:18:32 PMcomet
214121213David B. Lawrence (auth.)

Economic Value of Information

2012PDF12/4/2024 11:25:16 AMcomet
214120211Klaus Brockhoff

Dynamics of Innovation: Strategic and Managerial Implications

2010PDF12/4/2024 10:57:40 AMcomet
21412009Abdolkarim Sadrieh

The alternating double auction market: a game theoretic and experimental investigation

1998PDF12/4/2024 10:53:06 AMcomet
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