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The Power of Discipline: The Habit that will Change your Life
THERE ARE MANY SECRETS FOR SUCCESS, AND THIS ONE IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE Imagine creating a habit that builds the ideal life and that, at the same time, is the origin of all the good habits you wish for yourself. This book, based on the experiences of the author, reveals the Superpower that gave him everything in life. The author explains how discipline became his sole secret weapon to achieve his goals. Additionally, he explains anecdotally and provides a vision that will change your mentality and behavior. Such a simple habit, available to everyone, and so easy that its power to change any life and take it to the yearned ideal is surprising. This intense reading will inspire you to: Pass to immediate action Live from meaning Develop habits to be unstoppable Defeat internal resistance Enter a state of Flow Create automatic habits The author shares real examples of how the Superpower of discipline led him to achieve, in autopilot, his personal and professional goals. Say Enough! to procrastination and pass to action. THIS BOOK HOLDS THE KEY TO ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS Enjoy No any convert or low quality!